One of the questions that most people ask their hairstylists is this – how often should I cut my hair? Today, we are here to give you the answer – it depends on your hair. Yes, there are different timelines for people with different types of hair. It all depends on your hair type, length, and growth.
The amount of time you should wait before getting your hair cut depends on its growth. Some people have a faster rate for hair growth, while others have to wait months to get a couple of inches of growth.
There are a few myths associated with hair growth as well that we often hear. One of the most popular ones is, if you trim your hair regularly, your hair will grow faster. Well, we are here to put that myth to rest once and for all. Trimming your hair does not encourage hair growth; it just helps you get rid of damaged hair. If your hair is healthy and you get it trimmed, you will just lose your length.
Before we get sidetracked, the following are a few guidelines that will help you get the answer to your question:
1. Short Hair
If you have short hair and planning to keep it the same length, then our advice is to get it cut every four to six weeks. Hair growth is more noticeable in shorter hair, so it is important that you keep getting it trimmed on a regular basis to keep it at the desired length.
However, if you have short hair and are planning to grow it out, don’t make an appointment with your hair salon to get a trim for almost four to six months. After that, get them trimmed after every six weeks so that the damage does not get a chance to accelerate.
2. Medium-Long Hair
For medium-long hair, you should opt for a hair cut every six to eight weeks. This way, the length of your hair will be maintained and the split ends won’t get too bad. If you are planning to grow them out, then wait for eight to ten weeks before getting them trimmed.
3. Natural Hair
If you have natural hair, you must know that it takes longer for it to grow. If you want longer natural hair, then wait for four to six months before getting a trim. If you are planning to maintain your hair length, then opt for a trim after every three to four months, which should be sufficient.